Baby jumper in two pieces

Maria told us this was a pattern they used to share a lot in our group a long time ago. We are coming up to being 45 years old! She is using self striping yarn for the baby jumper and knitting it in two pieces. It is coming along nicely and looks really effective. The two pieces mean you can add buttons at the neckline for a wider neck opening if you need to. Some babies just hate having things pulled over their heads. Others don’t seem to mind at all. What was astounding was Maria had the pattern on a business card size piece of paper. How handy is that for a  pattern? No big bits of paper or a book, or a device where you have to keep logging in and getting the screen up… Just so very convenient.

We couldn’t find a two piece pattern but here is a straightforward one piece pattern on the Lion brand site. It’s in garter stitch but there is nothing to stop you using your own stitch, adding a ribbed border and even doing fair isle if you want to. Once you have a good pattern which works, you can do as you please!!  This Lion brand one or Maria’s one could have buttons down the side too to make it a tunic top.