Making rolags

rolagsKnittingthestash is a really good WordPress yarn blog you can keep up with. She makes helpful videos too. One of the things which impressed us last year were Hilary’s purchased rolags she had brought along to spin. They looked like really cool snails, had beautiful colours which were mixed well and the yarn Hilary made was just so good to look at.

Rolags are a way of preparing smaller amounts of fibre to sin and can be very creative. Some people get very classy looking rolags. Others just make and spin and are not too worried about whether they are art or not. The difference is good. We all need that kind of variety when we are spinning. Some days are diamonds and you can create stunning things. Other days you are ordinary and that is okay. Knittinginthestash shows you how to make them with hand carders but you can make them on drum carders and with combs. With this video you can see the technique and that is what is important. Once you get the hang of it you will create lovely rolags too!

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