Show and tell

What a wonderfully inspiring, creative day full of colour and skills! Our workshops always give us a lift. Our first nuno felting a silk scarf workshop was today and the results were amazing. We cannot wait to see the finished scarves next week. We thank Alexis for all her time and effort in ensuring we could achieve good results in this workshop. We also thank John for shifting furniture so we could fit the workshop in and those of us who were not participating today. Our show and tell table was really interesting too.

Show and tell

Kay: a big bag of spun brightly coloured balls of wool.
Cathy : always comes up with something different has made a knitted doughnut in wool decorated it with core spun flowers and it has many uses, also a ball of brightly coloured spun acrylic.
Dagmar: a lovely soft brown wool scarf in a cable pattern.
Lynn : 3 lovely coloured toys made on her knitting sock loom.
Anita: her first 3 spun balls of wool in pink tones. Well done!
John : a lovely woven cream scarf with an unusual stitch pattern on it and a lovely grey, embossed woven scarf with contrasting stripes on the ends.
Karin: a nuno felted beautiful tie-dyed silk scarf in tones of blue with sea green merino.
Janette : a lovely spun wool knitted cardigan in spring colours.
Hilary: a knitted beanie spun from one of Brendaโ€™s plaits.
Corina: brought in some calico bags to give away. Thank you.