Teenie Tiny Teddies

Tiny bearThere was a request for the pattern for these tiny bears which Cathy made as part of Sonya’s call to action for buddy bears. They stand about 11cm tall.  They can be made easily in an hour, use up your scrap yarn and fit easily into a little pocket.  The pattern:

3.25 needles
4 ply yarn

Four pieces:

The body and head
The two legs
One piece for both arms

Body :

Cast on 16 stitches
Knit 22-26 rows depending on how long you want the body.
Cast off

Legs – make two

Cast on 8 stitches
Knit 6 rows
Cast off


Cast on 18 stithces
Knit 6 rows
Cast off

For the arms and legs roll the pieces and stitch.
On the arms leave a long thread at one end.
Sew the body seam which is then in the middle at the back.
Sew across the top of the head and sew the ear shapes across the corners

Stuff head and body. Stuff the head first, thread the arms through and then stuff the body.
Make a hole with pencil or scissors in the knitting where arms will go. Thread the arm piece through the the body by pulling on the thread with a thick, strong  sewing needle and easing it through.
Sew the legs in place and close all seams at the bottom of the bear.
Make a little scarf.

If you want little coloured shoes then pick up side stitches and add a couple of rows of colour onto the side of the legs before you roll them or put on a row of double crochet along the edge.

7 thoughts on “Teenie Tiny Teddies

      1. You’re welcome. I tried to send it to you in a comment, but it said “your comment could not be posted.” ? Was it because of the link? Whatever. I’m on a roll thanks to you. I’m making them a pet cat. And they need some clothes. 🙂
        I’m going to forward your bear to a friend who knits. I think she would like making one of yours since she adores my crocheted version.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Doubt it was the link. Loving the fact you are all happy being creative and that the Teenie Tiny Teddies inspired you. It’s what it is about, isn’t it? One idea can really make a difference. That cat sounds interesting …and the clothes. Would be great to see the cat. Have a lovely weekend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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